Oscar valdez
Oscar valdez

oscar valdez

Berchelt isn’t doing NOTHING, he’s just having a hard time. But he’s marking up just a bit from little Berchelt pot shots. Left hook from Valdez still there, and more than that he’s staying away from Berchelt. Round 4: Ward also has 3-0 Valdez right now. Valdez is fighting extremely effectively right now. Berchelt does look a little sluggish compared to Valdez, a little ponderous. Right hand from Berchelt gets in, but thrown a bit far. Berchelt tries to trap Valdez in the corner, Valdez slips under and makes Berchelt look slow, escapes easily. Left hook from Valdez as they throw at the same time. Berchelt trying to turn it up, Valdez moving away, staying pretty patient. Valdez with another good jab down the pipe. Berchelt lunges, Valdez ties him up, tries to throw with it. Round 3: Osuna says Berchelt’s corner are clearly aware Valdez has some good speed on his jab. This is a cautious but so far rather effective start from Valdez, but the heat will turn up sooner than later. Berchelt poking still from range, not really letting power shots go at all. Valdez now gaining some confidence in that jab. And Berchelt definitely just a taller, longer guy. He was about 146 on unofficial weigh-in earlier, Valdez about 140. Valdez trying to time a combination, but Berchelt muscles him out of the way. Round 2: Berchelt still mostly just poking the jab out. Neither doing a lot offensively, honestly, at least nothing particularly effective. Berchelt the far more relaxed guy in the first round. Tim Bradley thinks he’s fighting with emotion. Andre Ward worried about Valdez wasting energy. Valdez throws a looping up, blocked with the glove. Valdez trying to jab in, not getting the range he wants.

oscar valdez

Berchelt can be a “slow starter.” Berchelt poking the jab out. Berchelt staying at distance, seeing what Valdez wants to do. Round 1: Here we go! Valdez misses a wild right hand from too far. Berchalt, check out the live blog by Bad Left Hook. Just wow, #BercheltValdez | #AndTheNew | ESPN /KBXolCcG41- Top Rank Boxing February 21, 2021įor more on Valdez vs.

Oscar valdez